Buildings Safety Regulator (BSR) Publishes Safety Case Toolkit – Reasonable Steps & Practical Examples

The BSR has today published a ‘Safety Case Toolkit’ guide aimed at accountable persons to assist them in preparing a safety case report.

The information within the guide is aimed at accountable persons (defined under section 84 of the Building Safety  Act 2022) to assist them in preparing a safety case report. A safety case report must demonstrate that all reasonable steps have been taken to prevent building safety risks happening and reduce the seriousness if they do.

The guide gives examples of common situations that APs may find in existing buildings to help them decide what steps are reasonable to take to manage and mitigate risk. This does not necessarily mean expensive and extensive work is needed but promotes a proportionate approach to the risk.

Each example in the guide gives a flowchart that suggests short and longer term actions to manage/mitigate risk. The guide is designed so APs can refer to the particular situations that are relevant to them.

Access the guide here.

Further resources from the BSR can be found here.