TC108: Introduction To The Building Safety Act For Property Managers

This course delivers guidance on managing buildings in scope under the Building Safety Act 2022. Through interactive and engaging contents participants will gain confidence in delivering positive building safety outcomes in their areas of responsibilities.

Date and time




IRPM or ARMA Members


Course Contents


To enable property managers to better understand their role in managing building safety under the Building Safety Act efficiently and effectively within their area of responsibility.

By the end of the course, you will have knowledge and understanding of:

  • Leaseholder protection, deed of certificate and landlord certificates.
  • Part 4 duties and responsibilities under the Building Safety Act with an emphasis on the Principal Accountable Person/Accountable Person duties and the role of the property manager in those statutory requirements.
  • The process of collating a body of evidence to support a Safety Case and writing a Safety Case Report.
  • The requirement for a management system to support the safety case and the role of software in creating a digital record for the golden thread of information.
  • How to engage with all stakeholders to create an effective building safety culture that ensures safe homes without excessive costs.

Intended For

Who should attend?

Property Managers in the UK with responsibilities for managing buildings in scope under the Building Safety Act.

11th & 12th June: 13:30 - 16:30 each day (2 day course)